
How To Inspect Flea Infestation In Your Premises 

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September 27, 2019
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How To Inspect Flea Infestation In Your Premises 

Flea Infestation Commonly fleas are found on the fur of dogs and cats, and these are your pets who bring fleas into your home. They are known as a tiny pest with long legs which help them to jump high. These blood-sucking pests survive on the blood of humans and animals. Due to their small size, they are challenging to find out with the naked eye, but following the below tips you get them quickly.

Steps To Detect Flea Infestation In Your Premises 

Inspect Your Pets

Because your pets bring the fleas, start inspecting your dogs and cats. If your pet has fleas, they will be continuously itching, or suffering from hair fall, these are the signs of fleas infestation. You can comb through your pet’s hair and inspect the comb after each stroke. 

Inspect Your Home

Start inspecting the places where your pets roam or sit in your premises. It refers to the couch, carpets & rugs, upholstered furniture. You can use the magnifying glass to find this pesky pest with ease.

Inspect Your Yard

As the fleas thrive in shady, moist areas, you can begin your inspection from those areas. Don’t leave to inspect the place where dogs spend time resting or playing outdoor, including around trees, bushes and decks.

Finally, when you detect fleas in or around your home, call us at Niagara Pest Control to get an effective solution. Our team of flea exterminators in Niagara Fall & surrounded areas can detect, remove and control fleas using eco-friendly products.

Niagara Pest
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