
5 Ways To Deal With Cockroach Infestation

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5 Ways To Deal With Cockroach Infestation

5 Ways To Deal With Cockroach Infestation

Not sure how to remove the cockroaches? Several people are fed up with the typical household pests. The cockroaches can range almost everywhere, be it is your home or office. However, cockroaches don’t often bite, but their feces and saliva can deliver asthma and allergies. That’s why the removal of cockroaches is necessary to keep you and your family healthy. So, below are some easy tips to keep the cockroaches away from your home or office.

  • Seal The Cracks & Holes
    Seal all the visible cracks inside your pantry, between the countertops, in the baseboard, ceiling, etc. Due to their tiny size, the roaches can crawl through the smallest spaces.
  • Fix The Water Leakage Issues
    Cockroach attracts to the moisture and water leaks from the pipes. You can notice them scurrying under your sink. They can survive without food for a month while without water they can live for some days. Close off their water source like tiniest leaks in the pipe and keep drying the sinks to prevent the roaches infestation.
  • Cleaning
    Food residue and particularly grease are like an invitation to roaches. So wipe down the counters, don’t leave the dirty dishes overnight, keep your stove-top scrubbed and clean out the floor before going to bed.
  • Use Natural Cockroach Bait
    To keep the pests away, you can make your bait using some kitchen material. Mix the one part of sugar powder with three parts of boric acid. The sugar invites the roaches, and boric acid will kill them. The boric acid could be irritating for humans, so be careful. Sprinkle the mixture where you notice the cockroaches.
  • Professionals Help
    If you are unable to get rid of roaches using these simple tips, then contact the experts. The highly skilled and trained pest removal specialists can remove the cockroaches quickly and efficiently using the most effective solution.

At Niagara Pest Control, we offer durable and affordable pest control solutions to our residential and commercial clients. Our experts have in-depth knowledge about a variety of pests, their behavior, life-cycle and useful technique to remove them. Call us today to hire our certified and experienced pest exterminators in Niagara.

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